thank you

Become a founding member of GICA -Global Impact Capital Alliance.

for being part of this special event!

Here’s what happens next:

On the evening of December 5th,
the Berlin impact community will meet its future allies – online.

We have confirmations from impact people in

Salvador, Montreal, Saskatoon, Toronto, Helsinki, Aix-en-Provence, Paris, Rehovot, Nairobi, Casablanca-Settat, Sommerschield Maputo, Amsterdam, The Hague, Lisbon, Kigali, Tshwane, Barcelona, Basel, Geneva, Obwalden, Zurich, Kampala, London, Bulawayo Province, Los Angeles

These new connections will lead to mutual support,
new partnerships, and eventually solutions for humanity.

To achieve this,
the GICA network will gather for monthly double-meetups starting in 2024:
first the Berliners (in-person), then our global community (online).

If you want to be a part of this, we have a suggestion:


Those attending tonight are invited to become Founding Members.

As a Founding Member, your membership fee is only 120€ p.a. (instead 290€).


(Fees are used 100% by foundation AusserGewöhnlich Berlin for the development of GICA.)

In return, you help to grow the network:
you invite 10 good guests per year to the meetups.

Everyone interested in becoming a Founding Member will receive more info and an application form by email after December 5th.

Please let us know if we can count you among the candidates for Founding Members.

See you on December 5th!